【TWA The Drunken Master Littlemill 1988 28 Year Old Single Malt Whisky】
類 別 : Single Malt Scotch Whisky – 全球限量180枝
酒精度 : 49.2 %
香氣: 焦糖、梨味、辛香
口感: 朱古力、麥芽、辛香、口感如絲般柔滑
尾韻: 中等長度、乾果、朱古力、甜果香
Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky – 180 bottles
Alc: 49.2%
Nose: Caramel, Pear, Spicy
Palate: Chocolate, Malty, Spicy, Silky
Fnishing: Medium finishing, Nutty, Chocolate and Fruity flavour