Vintage and Latest: Glenmorangie Tasting with Eddie Nara
Wed, 14 Aug
|The Oak Crafted

14 Aug 2019, 8:00 pm – 15 Aug 2019, 9:30 pm
The Oak Crafted, Hong Kong, Mong Kok, 太子通菜街223號F
Explore the acclaimed portfolio of Glenmorangie with Eddie Nara
由MHD 及 The Oak Crafted 主辦,一次過品嚐五款Glenmorangie 格蘭傑經典、陳釀及新款系列,當中包括今年新出的:《Grand Vintage Malt 1991》 陳年26年佳釀,將通常不會融合在一起的兩種威士忌混合釀造而成。其中一款在 Oloroso 雪利酒桶中陳釀增加甜味和香氣,另一款在勃艮第酒桶中增添泥土和松露味道,醇厚濃鬱的珍稀 Bond House No. 1 第四版,香港限量,非常珍貴。
首款以野生酵母釀製的威士忌《Glenmorangie Allta》,慶祝珍藏系列Private Edition推出十周年,「Allta」一字於蘇格蘭蓋爾語解作「野性」,藉以帶出酵母對蘇格蘭威士忌釀製層次的重要性,口感豐潤、果香濃郁。
Whisky for Tasting:
+ Grand Vintage Malt 1991 (IWC Whisky of the Year 2019)
+ Allta - 10th Private Edition
+ 18 Years Old (International Wine & Spirit Competition Gold Medal 2018)
+ Extra Matured Range - The Lasanta 12 Years Old (International Wine & Spirit Competition Silver Medal 2018)
+ The Original (International Wine & Spirit Competition Gold Medal 2018)
All expressions on taste will be available for purchase on the evening.
Date:14 August, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time:20:00 - 21:30
Venue:The Oak Crafted 屋, 223F Tung Choi Street, Prince Edward
Enquire: 6465 5508
Highly Prized, Simply Delicious
Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch Whisky originates in the Scottish Highlands where, at the Glenmorangie Distillery, it is distilled in the tallest malt whisky stills in Scotland for a purer spirit, a pioneer in extra maturation and an expert in wood management. With the whisky creation team lead by Glenmorangie's acclaimed Director of Whisky Creation - Dr Bill Lumsden, The Glenmorangie Company was named Distiller of the Year at the IWSC in 2012.
Speaker: Mr. Eddie Nara is an independent spirits educator and consultant whose fervent passion and extensive knowledge have earned him the reputation as a spirits industry leader across Hong Kong and Asia. Throughout the last decade, he has been on a mission to educate others about the art of whisky and cognac drinking. He also strives to rectify misconceptions on spirits, and to bring awareness to often neglected spirits-producing countries.Nara holds the Approved Trainer of The Whisky Ambassador programme, and Certified Spirits Educator (CSE) by The Society of Wine Educators. Furthermore, he was the founding chairman of the first ever whisky appreciation society in Hong Kong.