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Thu, 18 Jul


Brummell Tailor & Clothing Company

Taste with Epoch-making Giants 【Pere Ventura x Alvaro Palacios】

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Taste with Epoch-making Giants 【Pere Ventura x Alvaro Palacios】
Taste with Epoch-making Giants 【Pere Ventura x Alvaro Palacios】


18 Jul 2019, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Brummell Tailor & Clothing Company, 3/F, Kai Kwong House, 13 Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong


 酒壇代有人才出。對於歷史悠久的產酒大國西班牙,近幾十年可說迎來了空前的黃金時代。從守舊過時到潮流尖端,風格上的逆轉,質素上的幾何級躍升,還有備受全球媒體寵愛、令人聽了也心生仰慕的名字——Rene Barbier、José Luiz Pérez、Peter Sisseck、Mariano García、Alvaro Palacio等。

Each age offers its own men of parts.  For Spain, a long-established winemaking country, it has never been evolving so fast until recent decades -- the evolution of wine style, the great leap in quality, and the big names beloved by the media – Rene Barbier, José Luiz Pérez, Peter Sisseck, Mariano García, and Alvaro Palacio.

如果說誰能代表「新西班牙」酒界的前景,一定非Alvaro Palacios莫屬。他的L’Ermita堪稱現代西班牙最重要的葡萄酒,能比肩者大概只有 Peter Sisseck的Dominio de Pingus。Alvaro Palacios不但是西班牙頂級產區Priorat最偉大的先驅;近年他更將版圖延伸至Bierzo,將Mencia從默默無名提拔至目前最寄予厚望的品種。 When we talk about the symbolic personality who may stands for the future of the "Spanish wines ", it must be no one other than Alvaro Palacios. His L’Ermita is arguably the most important Spanish wine in modern era, probably only challenged by Peter Sisseck's Dominio de Pingus. The most talked about winemaker in Spain is not only the pioneer of Priorat, but in recent years he has also extended his influence to Bierzo, where he coaxing Mencía, an obscure and indigenous grape variety, into a wine of distinctive character and impressive elegance.

毫無懸念,西班牙西北部的加泰隆尼亞可說是人氣匯聚的地方,Priorat座落此地,著名足球隊巴塞隆拿的大本營在此;西班牙氣酒Cava的故鄉在此,而Pere Ventura——Cava界奢華時尚的Icon當然發源於此。一改大眾對Cava的廉價印象,Pere Ventura不僅在釀造工藝上不斷尋求新境界,開創出新世代Cava風格,更是很多知名品牌如Vogue、Camper時尚派對上的指定酒款。 Catalonia is of no doubt the spotlight across entire Spanish autonomous communities. It is the hometown of Priorat region, the haunt of the notorious Barcelona football team, and at the same time the origin of the national sparkling wine Cava. Pere Ventura - located in the heart of Catalonia's Cava production zone - has not only proved that it was more than Spain's fun and inexpensive sparkling wine, but also with Marta Sanvicente at the helm as chief winemaker, it continues to reach new heights and defines a new generation of Cava style. This is the reason why the prestigious brand has become the official Cava supplier of international fashion brand includes Vogue and Camper.

Pere Ventura 跟 Alvaro Palacios這兩顆耀眼新星,正以驚人潛力撼動整個西班牙酒壇,也預示著西班牙葡萄酒的輝煌未來。「Taste with the Spanish Epoch-making Giants 」品酒會將匯聚這兩個極具革新精神的酒莊,由Pere Ventura首席釀酒師Marta Sanvicente擔任主講,引領各位細味旗下多款極具代表性的佳釀。品酒會選址中環隱世西裝店Brummell - Tailor & Clothing舉行,讓參加者品嚐美酒的同時發掘城中格調高雅的時尚服飾品牌。到埸嘉賓更可參加大抽獎,有機會贏取豐富獎品,包括Pere Ventura Vintage Gran Reserva Brut 2014、stylish Beau Brummell Tie 領呔、HK$200 MyiCellar葡萄酒禮券! Pere Ventura and Alvaro Palacios, the two dazzling new stars are looking forward to make a new epoch of the entire Spanish wine industry. Led by Pere Ventura's chief winemaker Marta Sanvicente, we are going to taste a wide range of flagship wines of these two wineries in this tasting event, which will be held at Brummell - Tailor & Clothing, a hidden Savile Row Bespoke Tailoring shop in Central. Guests can also participate in the lucky draw and have the opportunity to win a variety of prizes, including Pere Ventura Vintage Gran Reserva Brut 2014, stylish Beau Brummell Tie, and HK$200 MyiCellar wine vouchers!

Wines to be tasted:

Pere Ventura Primer Brut Reserva Pere Ventura Tresor Brut Reserva Pere Ventura Primer Semi Sec Rose Pere Ventura Vintage Gran Reserva Brut 2014 Palacios Remondo La Montesa 2016 Palacios Remondo Propiedad 2015 Descendientes de Jose Palacios Petalos 2016 Descendientes de Jose Palacios Villa de Corullon 2015

====================== Tickets: HK$150 (early bird HK$100 till 15th Jul)

Guest: Marta Sanvicente, Chief winemaker of Pere Ventura

*A HK$50 coupon included for on-site purchase,  buy over $500 to get a pair of Pere Ventura Cava Glasses ! 


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