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2019 Quarter Cask威士忌品飲會

Thu, 17 Jan


Caskells K11店 - 九龍尖沙咀河內道K11購物藝術館B102舖

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2019 Quarter Cask威士忌品飲會
2019 Quarter Cask威士忌品飲會


17 Jan 2019, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Caskells K11店 - 九龍尖沙咀河內道K11購物藝術館B102舖, 18 Hanoi Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong


千呼萬喚始出來,姍姍來遲嘅最新Quarter Cask系列單一麥芽威士忌,終於同大家見面喇!今次更以全新面目出現,用上我哋Caskells自家品牌推出,保證全球獨家發售。

Caskells推出過嘅Quarter Cask系列,以高性價比見稱,深獲一眾威士忌愛好者擁戴。上架後不久便瞬間售罄,一向都係飲家們引頸期待嘅心頭好。

新一批酒款,係嚟自艾雷島區嘅Caol Ila同斯貝河區嘅Auchroisk兩間蒸餾廠,而且仲分別有46%同原桶強度兩個版本。為咗介紹佢哋俾大家認識,我哋將會响呢個月中舉行一個品飲會,同大家分享呢4款Quarter Cask威士忌。報名要快喇!詳情如下:



地點:Caskells K11店 - 九龍尖沙咀河內道K11購物藝術館B102舖

費用:每位HK$200 / 會員優惠價每位HK$100

♥ 由會員代付費之同行非會員,均可享會員優惠價 (@HK$100) ♥


查詢詳情及報名,請致電 3106 4002 或 WhatsApp 5236 3068


It has been a long time to have our latest series of Quarter Cask single malt whisky in stock. This time, it will appear in a new look. It will be launched with Caskells’ own label to ensure exclusive worldwide sales.

The Quarter Cask series sold by Caskells are so far known as high cost performance and well appreciated by whisky lovers. It is usually the best sale item that drinkers always look forward to.

The new selections are from the Caol Ila of the Islay region and the Auchroisk of the Speyside region.

Both of them will have 46% as well as cask strength versions. A tasting party will be held in mid of this month to share these 4 Quarter Cask whiskies with you. Don't miss the chance! Details are as below:

Date: January 17

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00pm

Location: Caskells K11 store, B102 shop, K11 Art Mall, Hanoi Road, TST, Kowloon.

Cost: @HK$200 / Member special price @HK$100

♥ All non-Members, who come with members and the fee are paid by members, can also enjoy the member price (@HK$100) ♥

Limited places, first come first served

Enquiry and Reservation, please call 3106 4002 or WhatsApp 5236 3068

※In case of dispute, Caskells decision is final※


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